I have always had a strong love for music and not just one genre but many. I remember when I was about 12, whenever I was in the car with my mom in the evening time, we would listen to jazz music. I just loved the calming and soothing sound it had. All I needed sometimes was to just listen to some amazing Jazz musicians like Miles Davis. I don't know if you would consider Blood Sweat and Tears Jazz, but they also had some great music. When I got a little older I started to listen to more punk rock bands because that is just what punk 14 year old's listen too. It wasn't until high school when I really started getting into Alternative Rock. The sound of that the guitar makes from such bands as Weezer, Foo Fighters, Oasis, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Modest Mouse, The Get Up Kids, and so many other bands that I can't remember right now; that is probably a good thing.
The reason why I am so into music is because of the sound, but more importantly because of the way it makes me feel. I am not a fan of music that is depressing or degrading because It makes me feel dirty inside and just sad and droopy. Music relates to life, we can be influenced by the media by the things that we listen to, watch, feel, and even say. If we are surrounded by good uplifting things, we will be a little more optimistic on life. If we are surrounded by negative things, we can be a little more negative and feel lonely. I know that media can be an amazing thing to help give us motivation to be happy and media can also be Satan's trap to tell us we are nothing. We are all children of God and we are a threat to the Devil. I believe that if we use the media to inspire us to further God's Word, we can have confidence that we are truly special in the eyes of our Heavenly Father.
Well, God be with you till we blog again!