Thursday, July 28, 2011

Humor: A way to more happiness

     I am a huge fan of comedy and especially improvisational humor. Nothing beats getting a good chuckle because someone is acting like a complete weirdo. One of my favorite shows as a kid was Whose Line Is It Anyway. It completely blew my mind of how these actors could act out a funny scene without ever practicing before. I always seem to smile when I remember one of the hilarious skits that they have done years before. When we remember a funny incident from the past, it is just natural to start chuckling, or in my case giggling. It seems that we forget the worries of the world and our lives for a few seconds.

     Heavenly Father has given us ways to be happy in this life and clean wholesome humor is one of those ways. It can be from just telling a good joke, watching a really funny movie, or just seeing your good friend fall off their chair. Our attitude and personality change in a more positive way when we are laughing from something funny. I know that when I am going through a hard time, what makes my heart feel better is when I find something funny and I laugh about it. My optimism level is so much higher when I am happy and my life has so much more meaning.

     I know that Heavenly Father gives us ways to be happy on this life. He knows what we are going through and he is willing to help us be happy. I am so grateful for clean humor and it has made me a better person because of the happiness it has brought me. I am grateful for you reading my blog, keep reading my friends, keep reading!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Unusual Circumstances Make Amazing Memories

     Has their ever been sometime in your life when you did something that seemed normal to you but very unusual to someone else. It may be the way we breath, the way we pick up a utensil to eat, or maybe just the way we talk. It does not seem like a big deal until someone points out that it is very strange how we perform that certain task. We may start to question why we do it that certain way and not the way mostly everyone else does it. We can either allow ourselves to be sad because we are not normal or we can have pride in that we are unique and special.

     Ever since I started to walk, I walked on my toes. It was just the way I walked and it seemed like no big deal until I was in Elementary School. All my schoolyard chums started to notice the way I walked and I started to get all sorts of questions. They started to call me names like Twinkle Toes and it really bothered me. I was just walking the way I always walked and it wasn't like I was doing it on purpose. Well, after going to a few physical therapists and a lot of foot and leg exercises, I started to not walk on my toes as much but I still tend to put more pressure on my toes rather than my heals. I have come to the realization that that is who I am and it makes me me! If you see me walking and I'm on my toes, you better know I am grateful to be an awkward walker!

     Heavenly Father makes us all in different ways because we are all unique in his ways. It can be as big as having a physical disability or as small as walking a little funny. Heavenly Father thinks we are special and it does not matter to him what we look like, It only matters that we are trying to live our life the way God wants us too. He loves us and only if we could see into his eyes, then we would start to really realize how special we are! After we die, we will all one day have a perfect body because we will be Resurrected; which means the reuniting of our body and spirit in a perfect form. We will have a perfect body one day where we will not have to worry about our bodies imperfections, but until that day, we can be grateful for what we do have! I have said this a lot but I will say it one more time, we are all spirit sons and daughters of God!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Music: How Sweet It Is

     I have always had a strong love for music and not just one genre but many. I remember when I was about 12, whenever I was in the car with my mom in the evening time, we would listen to jazz music. I just loved the calming and soothing sound it had. All I needed sometimes was to just listen to some amazing Jazz musicians like Miles Davis. I don't know if you would consider Blood Sweat and Tears Jazz, but they also had some great music. When I got a little older I started to listen to more punk rock bands because that is just what punk 14 year old's listen too. It wasn't until high school when I really started getting into Alternative Rock. The sound of that the guitar makes from such bands as Weezer, Foo Fighters, Oasis, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Modest Mouse, The Get Up Kids, and so many other bands that I can't remember right now; that is probably a good thing.

     The reason why I am so into music is because of the sound, but more importantly because of the way it makes me feel. I am not a fan of music that is depressing or degrading because It makes me feel dirty inside and just sad and droopy. Music relates to life, we can be influenced by the media by the things that we listen to, watch, feel, and even say. If we are surrounded by good uplifting things, we will be a little more optimistic on life. If we are surrounded by negative things, we can be a little more negative and feel lonely. I know that media can be an amazing thing to help give us motivation to be happy and media can also be Satan's trap to tell us we are nothing. We are all children of God and we are a threat to the Devil. I believe that if we use the media to inspire us to further God's Word, we can have confidence that we are truly special in the eyes of our Heavenly Father.

     Well, God be with you till we blog again!